Charge Over Air

Revolutionize Technology

01. Satellites
Our new satellites charge itself from the sun by using our high-tech solar panels.

02. 5V Waves
We develop new high-frequency antennas that can send 5V electricity waves over the air.

03. Wireless Charge
Any wireless charge compatible smartphone can detect and get charging from our service.
Charge Now!
Select your package and start charging your phone immediately!
$0 / 10%charges only 10%
Only for US, EU and Turkey Works only on open areas Email Support 1 Time Use Start ChargingStarter
$3 / 20%add 20% charge
Anywhere in the World Works only on open areas Email Support 1 Time Use Start Charging Send as GiftMedium
$5 / 50%add 50% charge
Anywhere in the World Works even inside Email, Phone Support 1 Time Use Start Charging Send as GiftEnterprise
$10 / 100%charges until full
Anywhere in the World Works even underground Priority Support 2 Time Use Start Charging Send as Gift